Friday, September 21, 2012

12:06 AM

I have seen many people discussing about software piracy, in this case is Android Games and Applications. While at the same time, they are listening to a song which they have downloaded from file sharing server while cursing the act of piracy. Okay, piracy is wrong and it can kill human's creativity. I understand, when someone's work are being pirated, they will lose their motivation to create more in the future.

But, lets turn the table around. Have you ever put yourself at their shoes? Nah.. you are too busy finding the worst curse for them instead rather than try to understand them.

Do you know who are they? I think i will split it into several groups.

The first is young people.
Most of them don't have anything else to do and they have plenty of time to waste. Besides, they also have too little allowance to be spent on original software. You could have lied if you say that you have never used pirated software while on high school or college. Most of them just want to try and satisfy their curiousity. Can you blame them? No, blame their parrent instead for only giving them small amount of allowance.

The next is unemployed people.
Because they have nothing else to do. What they do actually is creating a job for themself. You may already know, there are tons of  files sharing server that pays their user to share files.Both the person who shares and the one provide the place to share (the servers) are wrong. But, hey.. they need to make a living.You see.. Piracy is not completely sharing without gaining something. They just want to earn a little, although sometimes without their awareness they are also hurting and destroying the software creator.

The last is..
Anyone else who can't find any better hobby.. hahaha.. i am sleepy already, i guess i will make it fast and go to bed.

So i can conclude if piracy is happened because there is nothing else to do. And yes, I have nothing to do, that's why i make this blog. 
If I have a job, than I will be busy with my job, and when i am tired and want to play game then i will buy it because i have money to spend. I don't want to waste my precious time to find pirated stuff, if i want to play, buying is much more faster and simpler. 
But, since i don't have a job, I would prefer to use money for something else, food maybe, rather than waste it to buy stupid software.

If you say "Then find yourself a job!".
I will answer "I have been doing that already! damn it"

okay, time to hit the bed..


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