Friday, September 21, 2012

12:30 PM
Today i will try to translate again. This folk lore tells about the origin of Tangkuban Perahu which located on West Java Indonesia. The Story plot is about a son who
almost marry his own mother.


Once upon a time, a princess whose name is Dayang Sumbi lives on West Java. She has boy, his name is Sangkuriang. He loves to hunt inside the jungle. Each time he hunts, he is always accompanied with his dog, his name is Tumang. Actually, Tumang who is a reincarnation of God is also Sangkuriang's father, but Sangkuriang does not know that.

Once day, just like usual, Sangkuriang goes to the jungle to hunt. When arrives, he starts to find a prey. He sees a bird which perched on a branch. He orders Tumang to chase after the bird, but Tumang stays silent and ignoring his command. Feels an outrage, he chases away Tumang and then leaves the Jungle.

When he comes home, he tells to his mother about the incident before. Dayang Sumbi really is mad. She takes a rice spoon and hits Sangkuriang's head. Feels disappointed, Sangkuriang decides to leave the house. After that incident, Dayang Sumbi feels really sorry about what she has done to her son. She prays to the God, and asks that one day she will be able to meet her son again. The God approves her wish and gives her an eternal youth and ever lasting beauty.

After wandering for years, Sangkuriang returns to his homeland. When arrives, he meets very beautiful girl who is Dayang Sumbi. Captivated by her beauty, after having close relation for a while, Sangkuriang propose her to marry him. Finally they decides to marry soon.

On one morning, Sangkuriang want to hunt at the jungle. Before going, he asks Dayang Sumbi to fasten his headband. At that time, Dayang Sumbi sees a trace of wound at his head. She then remember the same wound her son had. She then asks him how he gets that wound. Dayang Sumbi is shocked knowing that her future husband is her own son.

Everyday, she is thinking really hard to find a way to avoid the marriage. Finally she finds solution. She asks two condition that Sangkuriang must fulfil before marrying her. Sangkurian must dam Citarum river, then he must make a big boat to cross the river. Those two must be finished before sun rises. Sangkuriang agrees and promises to fulfil it.

There is still a long way before the dawn comes, but Sangkuriang almost finish his work. Knowing this, Dayang Sumbi immediately comes to the village and asks the villager to spread out red cloth on the east side of the village. When he sees red color at the eastern, he thinks if the dawn has come. He stops working because he thinks he has failed to fulfil his promise.
With anger, Sangkuriang destroys the dam he have built which leads to flood. The whole village is drowned. He also kicks a half built boat which he has made. That boat is flung and fliped over, then it turns into a mountain which is called Tangkuban Perahu.


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