Friday, September 21, 2012

8:31 PM
I was browsing around to find cute name for this blog. Yeah, i am in a cute mood now. But it seemed all cute names were already taken, what a tough luck. Oh i wish i had known blogging sooner so i could take those name. It is kind of waste you know. I have also read some part of their blog, and from what i have read, i try to guess the motive behind their blog creation. Even the possibilities of their reasons are infinite, no one knows how bizzare someone can think, but i will limit myself to several major reasons.

Sharing a thought.
I guess  this is the most what blogs do. Mostly it it will discuss something the blog owner like the most. So i guess the side purpose is to find others who have the the same interest.

Making money.
I don't know.. a lot of the times i run into a blog, there always some portion (sometimes even the whole blog) are talking about making money. Each time i run into a blog, there always ads, ads, and ads. I thought money is only real life matter, but it seems this virtual world is already soiled by it too. There is nothing wrong with making money, but as a reader, i will avoid this kind of blog

No comment. I guess, rather than making a site, putting warez on a blog is much more simpler and easier. hahaha...

For me? well.. I am blogging because i have nothing else to do.
There must be much more reasons left, but that's enough for today, i will go to bed now.


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