Saturday, May 23, 2020

12:11 PM
I already posted about android snes emulators for android couple years ago, i guess i need to update with new one, since there are plenty new emulator has risen replacing the olds. I was going to update my old post then canceled it and decided to write new one since i realize it is hard to find old stuffs nowadays, even if there are exist they are not really the old files.

I am going to write about two or three emulators in this writing and won't bother to write long list even if there are a lot of snes emulators out there. I will write what i think the best according to my experience on using them.

Lets start with freebie :D

Snes9x EX+

I choose Snes9x EX+ for free snes emulator for android!
Why? because..
  • it is one of old god from ancient pc times 
  • it able to emulates nearly if not all snes roms available out there even custom ones
  • no ads and inapp purchase is the most considered reason
So if you want to play snes games and don't want to spent then Snes9x EX+ is easy pick for you.

And for paid snes emulators i picked..

John NES

While there is lite version which is free, i considered this app as paid one because on free version you will ads and ads can be considered as money you have to pay to developer :D

John NES emulator are packed with features you will need nowadays, from cheats, customable controls, controls support, and very neat auto save on exit so you can continue to play what you left off later on. This emulator can emulate SNES and NES so you get 2 systems in one emulator.

There are plenty emulators on playstore, you might want to try it yourself if you are not satisfied with two emulator i mention above.

OK, after trying both emulator for a bit.. i found if those emulator would run on modern smartphone just fine but when i ran it on an old device.. err.. galaxy s to be exact, i felt a bit warm and when using john nes it was little bit choppy if i didn't use frame skip. I guess for old device, it is better to use old snesoid which is much lighter although according to some reference it less accurate on emulating snes. You can find it somewhere in this blog under emulator label.  


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