Tuesday, May 26, 2020

9:45 PM

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts is a Action/Platformer 2D video game published by Capcom released on November 28, 1991 for the Super Nintendo

Sir Arthur’s lady friend Princess Guinevere has been kidnapped yet again, so it’s up to you to guide him through eerie graveyards, sinking pirate ships and ice caverns in order to rescue her from the clutches of the evil Demon Emperor Sardius.

You start out in a fine suit of armour which offers protection, but if you get hit by a projectile or touch an enemy that drops away, leaving you only wearing your boxer shorts! It’s a novel alternative to a standard energy bar and one that never fails to make us chuckle to this day.

You can pick up a range of different weapons such as throwing daggers, a scythe, a throwing axe, a bow or a flaming torch. You can also upgrade your armour, which affords you an extra hit before you end up in your undies, and also makes your weapons more powerful.

An interesting development since the original Ghouls ‘N Ghosts is that Arthur has now acquired the power to double-jump. It seemed crazy at the time to be able to perform a second jump with only thin air as your springboard, but it really is a stroke of genius as it cleverly allows some fiendish platforming challenges later on in the game. It’s really useful if you find yourself jumping into a bad situation — just quickly hop in the opposite direction!

The only downside for many players is the incredibly punishing difficulty level.

Each level ends with a boss battle to test your metal. The real annoyance is that to see the true ending you have to complete the whole game twice in a row! The second time around you are treated to a special weapon, but that doesn’t make up for this masochistic turn of events.

Super Nintendo's mode 7 capabilities are put to good use later on, with platforms that rotate and fantastic end of level bosses which zoom in and out of the screen. There is no doubt here that Capcom was determined to exceed the masterpiece it had created in the original Ghouls ‘N Ghosts. 

The soundtrack equally does not disappoint, with catchy spooky tunes and fitting sound effects.

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