Tuesday, June 16, 2020

5:44 PM

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines is an action-adventure part of the Assassin's Creed franchise, a video game for PlayStation Portable. This game taking place in between the events of Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II.
The game continues the story of Assassin's Creed exactly where the first game left off. As it turns out, the villain from the original Assassin's Creed had a love interest named Maria and Altair takes her hostage in his pursuit of the fleeing Templars. The trail leads him to Cyprus, an island torn between Templar invaders and members of the resistance. It's interesting to watch the relationship between Maria and Altair fluctuate, but the rest of the story is only somewhat interesting.

Bloodlines accurately captures the look of Assassin's Creed on a handheld. The open city environments, the free-running, and the climbing systems are all on display in a scaled-down fashion. Everything from the user interface to the menu screens is faithful to Altair's first adventure. It's quite impressive to look out over a city and know that everything in sight is accessible. 



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