Tuesday, June 16, 2020

7:33 PM

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is a fighting video game on PSP version released as a home version of the Tekken series in July 2006.

Tekken: Dark Resurrection is the best PSP fighter released for the system. It blows its competition right out of the water and everything about the title, from its graphics to its mini-games to its multiplayer options. To take that one step further, Namco Bandai's Dark Resurrection is also the best arcade port available for Sony's miniature platform thus far, and even more impressively, one of the PSP's most outstanding pieces of software for any genre.

It is overflowing with depth. There are tons of characters to master and several interactive stages, as well as the exact speed and unparalleled feel of the other Tekken games. The engine and its mechanics which promote player skill, strategy, and fast reflexes. You can have bonus content all day and all night. All 30-plus characters have the potential and ability to become destructive human wrecking machines.

Another element of Tekken: Dark Resurrection that deserves mentioning is its visuals. The game is absolutely beautiful and is easily on par with other high-end graphical treats like Daxter and Syphon Filter. The character models look fantastic (as do their animations). Plus, with the large number of outfit possibilities made possible with the character modifier, their diversity is incredibly high.


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