Thursday, June 11, 2020

7:01 PM

Patapons have a very unassuming appearance. Their small, cycloptic frames belie their fierce warrior spirit which made them strong enough to force evil from their land. Unfortunately, the glory has long been lost, as the Patapons have been driven from their homeland by the evil Zigoton army. Even worse, their inspiration, a deity that they revered and called "Almighty," disappeared with their magical drums that motivated them, causing the Patapons to fall into disarray. Only one of the tribe known as Hatapon believed that Almighty would return to lead them to glory, and when the god does return, Hatapon picks up the banner of the tribe and leads his tribesmen against the Zigotons. 

You interact with the tribe using a set of four battle drums. Orders must be given to the tribe in time with a beat that's constant throughout every mission using different sequences of four drum notes. Simple orders, such as "advance" and "attack," are enough to get you through the early levels. But you'll learn others, such as "charge," "defend," and "retreat" as you progress through the game. Furthermore, you'll learn to use your godlike powers to perform four different weather-changing miracles that can be used to give your archers' arrows a tailwind or to unsettle a boss with an earthquake among other things. 

Rhythm Game, strategy game, mini-game collection, action game, light RPG – Patapon is all of these and much, much more. It's a genre onto itself, a title that not only exalts in creativity and unique style, it delivers a fun, addictive, engaging experience that keeps you playing over and over again.



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